Quarantine Challenge
So, we are all stuck inside or limited to shifts where we are potentially exposed to the ol' Corona Virus. If you're looking for something to do, we have some great new products, courses and even opportunities to tide you over.
We CHALLENGE you to get re-certified or finally earn that sexy critical care certification if you don't have one.
Some of our biggest news is we are producing a new show, Real SIMple at the Copper Bar- which will be recorded live and in front of an audience of clinicians at theCHIVE headquarters in Austin, TX. We will record the show monthly, offer in-person tickets to join us at HQ to experience the show, offer online (webinar-style) tickets, and also post it for free on YouTube. If you are wanting the CEs, then there is a small monthly fee, but so worth it because partial proceeds go to Chive Charities.
We also have NEW books and courses, including the Vent Hero: Online course, Calc Hero: Online course, and a new monthly subscription that offers dynamic scenarios in a choose-your-own-adventure style format- all for CEs to keep you current.
Real SIMple at the Copper Bar
Like theCHIVE and want to share a beer there and get some education with some of the biggest personalities in EMS and nursing? No matter if your in attendance, online or watch later on YouTube, it'll be awesome. Come join us...
MeduPrep: Fragments
Come join us for 1-2 hour webinar sessions of fantastic critical care lectures good for CE to refresh for FP-C, CCP--C, CFRN, or CCRN . Approximately 10 options per week available- all webinar.
Vent Hero: Online
This new course for Vent Management is just amazing. It utilizes our EXCLUSIVE choose-your-own-adventure style approach to present content in a way the clinician actually experiences it. The choose-your-own-adventure approach allow clinicians to attempt a case, or part of a case; should they be incorrect, they must engage in a mini-lecture on this content.Give it a look.
If you are ready for an 'ah ha' moment, give us a try.