MeduVet Products
Once you understand the foundations and details of a topic enough to do well on practice tests and scenarios, then it is time for an outside party to vet you to make sure you understand every major concept. It's called the MeduVet. You'll be asked a series of questions covering all of the tested material and then provided a report on your strengths, weaknesses, and your overall exam readiness.
This is a full patient choose-you-own adventure that utilizes our exclusive Challenge Learning approach. You get the training and education on content you are weak in, and credit for the content where you exhibit mastery.
Exam Readiness Assessment
Taken an in-person or online critical care exam course and want to test your readiness? Let us sit with you and go over a 50, 100, or 150 point checklist to assess your readiness for your upcoming exam- even if you took someone else's preparation course!
Please let us know if you need anything: information, clarification, pricing, course request, or anything at all. Our goal is to make and keep you happy with the services and products we provide. If you are displeased ever, for any reason, let us know and we will fix it right away.