MeduPrac Products Page

MeduPrac Products

These are the products you need if you need PRACTICE material, such as practice exams, practice questions, and practice scenarios within our Critical Care Hero series of skill-based textbooks. Once you understand a topic- stop reading, and start PRACTICING!.

FishBone Practice Exams

Similar to the ExAM for Critical Care book to the left, this is a bank of test ONLINE questions that will test your critical care transport knowledge. These high caliber questions match common certification exams.

Critical Care Exam 1on1 Tutoring

This service offers 1-on-1 assistance to help pass any of the difficult critical care certification exams: FP-C, CCP-C, CCRN, and CFRN. Even JUST ONE 30-minute session can help secure your dream job.

ExAM for Critical Care

This is a test question BOOK filled with over 300 high level questions for the clinician-learner about to take a difficult certification exam.

Vent Hero (2nd Edition)

Want to get knee-deep into mechanical ventilation? This newly re-drafted text has over 80 more pages than the first edition further exploring advanced modes, physiology, and new practice problems.

Vent Hero: CASES

This is the perfect companion to the Vent Hero textbooks. It offers over 30 cases with mid-case issues and problems, as well as well explained rationales

VentiSim Vent Simulator w/ Vent Hero Cases

I have collaborated with a vent simulator company to build my Vent Hero cases into their simulation platform. Click to find out more information.

Calc Hero

This skill TEXTBOOK in our Critical Care Hero series covers a unique approach to calculating medications. Seriously- its amazing and being used in paramedic programs around the world.

ABG Hero

Another skill TEXTBOOK in our Critical Care Hero series covers a multitude of approaches to interpreting arterial blood gasses. This text has over 60 practice cases!

Hemo Hero

This skill TEXTBOOK walks the clinician-learner how to interpret hemodynamic monitoring and manage the patient's specific shock state. There are 30 practice cases in this book.


Please let us know if you need anything: information, clarification, pricing, course request, or anything at all. Our goal is to make and keep you happy with the services and products we provide. If you are displeased ever, for any reason, let us know and we will fix it right away.