What's the deal(s)?
Shop for the best BLACK FRIDAY Deals. Black Friday online specials, exclusive offers & coupons starting on MEDUCATION MONDAY. You don't wanna miss this.
(SAVE $75)
LIVE on December 1, but lock in the savings TODAY! This is a revolutionary new product. Yes, it is a ventilator management course, but it is SO much more. It has the standard online components of LECTURE and QUIZ, but
also has demonstrations as well as a choose your own adventure style PRACTICE experience that provides the learner with a unique learning opportunity that is tailored to them. Buy today- get the course on ROLLOUT day- December 1. This course awards 8 hours of CEs upon completion.
(SAVE $425!)
This package is the WHOLE ENCHILADA. It comes with 2 ONLINE courses, our flagship Excellence in Critical Care course (good for intial prep or recertification hours for CFRN or FP-C) and our new revolutionary course, Vent Hero: Online. Additionally it comes with 6 textbooks, including the 500 page, full color Swearingen's Resource and Study Guide, as well as Vent Hero, Vent Hero: Cases, ABG Hero, Calc Hero, and Hemo Hero. This is almost our entire library for over HALF OFF!!! Grab it today.
Hero Sidekick Deal $125
Look, if you are just looking to beef up your critical care library, then this is the deal for you. 5 books for only $150, including Vent Hero, Vent Hero: Cases, ABG Hero, Calc Hero, and Hemo Hero. Get half off these books now!
(SAVE $150!)
This package is includes everything that is Vent Hero. You'll get access (on December 1) to the revolutionary Vent Hero: Online course, as well as the Vent Hero book and Vent Hero: Cases book. The new Vent Hero: Online is a course like no other. We broke the mold of the standard online course which includes lecture and quiz. We beef up the online course with actual demonstrations as well as a choose-your-own adventure practice sessions. All of our courses are going to this format, but Vent Hero: Online is the first and we couldn't be more excited to offer this to you now, and for such a deal!
It's the "Monday" countdown!
Are you ready for your next critical patient? With us, you will be...